Tuesday 12 April 2016

The power of reading


Have you ever tried to imagine what the world would be like if there were no books? Without not only classical paper editions, but also e-books and every form of literary fiction. In my view, we still underestimate the value of these written friends and do not comprehend how much they bring to our lives.
It is obvious that our daily life is mostly complicated and requiring. It seems to be joyless and sometimes even hopeless, since we have some difficulties which we are made to put up with. Many times we are too weak to face up to new challenges and struggle with reality. Just then, we need to reach for a book. It is a great way to work off stress, forget about everything and move to another world. We are given a chance to abstract ourselves from thinking, constant considering and worrying. We can at least momentarily live the novel’s characters’ lives not focusing on ourselves. We simply change the environment and let our psyche and mind rest. It is unbelievably significant, because if we are concerned all the time, we are exposed to depression, neurosis, digestive system diseases and numerous other disorders. It could be ridiculous for you, but reading can affect us remarkably positively. It is a kind of a getaway which everybody needs. Moreover, reading enables us to develop as well. We create our imagination and world perception, improve our orthographic skills and even bone up to its rules, which is crucial and useful in life. Your brain works better and more efficiently, you become more cheerful and inventive. It is scientifically proven that reading motivates much more parts of our brains to work than, for example, watching films. It is a peculiar way of feeding the brain, which needs a variety of incentives to work properly all the time. It is also confirmed that children whose parents have read to from an early age become more sensitive, are able to predict certain results of people’s behaviour and draw conclusions more easily. It is something like an accelerated and improved development of their personalities. It has a vital influence on them at a later stage of their lives.
To be honest, I would not be able to live in the world without books. They can change a lot of things - even our own minds - help us to deal with daily life and even stimulate the action of our brains. I am convinced that reality without reading would be sad and dreary. Hence, I strongly persuade you to constantly reach for books in order to enjoy your lives more.

By Anna Zalwert

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