Tuesday 5 April 2016

Different way to read a book

My name is Piotr and I am a secondary school student. When I was a child, I did not like reading, because of a few factors which contributed to that situation. Firstly, my parents and teachers at school forced me to read books, and because of that I did not find it interesting. As a result, I had not touched a book for many years during my youth. Nevertheless, the whole situation changed when at the age of 17 I heard about audio books. They completely influenced my life. I started to listen to audio books whenever I was, on my way home or during my daily chores as cleaning, walking with my dog or even shopping. I made it a daily habit. I am trying to listen to one book per week and I am successful at it. My choice of books is mostly books concerning a personal development, which let me be productive during the day, but also I am a big fan of fantasy novels. My favourite authors are J.F.F. Tolkien and Andrzej Sapkowski. Today, audio books are an inherent part of my life, and I would not be able to stop listening to them.

By Piotr Pawliszyn

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