Thursday 28 January 2016

How would you encourage young people to read?

How would you encourage young people to read?

Since 1995 European citizens have celebrated an international day ‘World Book Day’. This is an annual event held in March. The World Book Day is organised by the United Nations Educational to promote reading and publishing. In my opinion, there should be a day like this in Poland. All schools should participate in this event. Students would have a chance to speak about their favourites books. They can also share their opinions and experiences about reading.
In English schools on this day students dress up as the main characters of their favourite books. Then the atmosphere at schools is funny and pleasant. They can in an easy, interesting way share their thoughts.
I think this day would encourage many young people to reach for a new book. Many young people could see that reading is fun. It would also help to develop a reading habit.

 By Leszek Błażewski

Unfortunately, nowadays teenagers aren't keen on reading. They prefer spending their free time on the social networking sites. They aren't conscious about benefits of reading, or when they are, they say that they don't have time for it. And there is a question - where's their free time? Books can teach us a lot of new things. Most people like learning new things. So why don't they use books for it? Maybe we should change the way we spend our free time.
Don't waste time for unnecessary things - time is irreversible. Teenagers have to realise the benefits of reading and find a book which is connected with their interests. In their environment there are people who can help them with it. 
By Kamila Janczura

Reading books is becoming less and less popular with young people nowadays. They prefer spending their free time watching TV. To change this situation we should encourage young people to read books more often.  I think that one way is to change the list of set books and allow young people to choose the books which they like. We forget that reading books is so important. The main advantage of reading is that it broadens our vocabulary. Thanks to reading we also develop our imagination, practice thinking and develop our communication skills. Reading is also relaxing and helps us to calm down. By reading we also improve our memory and we become more creative.
By Ewelina Celmerowska

Well, it's very hard work because nowadays people read hardly any books, but it's not impossible to do. There are lots of events like, for example, meetings with the writers, who by promoting their books can encourage us to read them at the same time. Also, we can recommend books to our friends. 
 By Maria Madziała

I know that people usually associate books and reading with something boring. In my view, they think so only because they’ve been picking wrong books to read. Encouraging those people to read may be a huge challenge, but it’s not impossible. You can do it, for example by choosing a suitable book for them, the one you know they will love. You can also tell them about the book you are reading to make them interested in it. When your friend has a birthday, buy him a book! If he has it, he will read it at the moment of boredom. I think that if I wanted to encourage somebody to read, I would just show that person the benefits of reading. Maybe he will change his mind when he sees that there are no disadvantages of books.

         By Weronika Wietrzyk

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