Thursday 12 May 2016

How much do you read ?

A Reader Lives A Thousand Lives Before Dying; One Who Never Reads Lives Only One – George R R Martin
According to NOP World Cultural Score Index, Indians spent an average of 10.7 hours per week reading, which is higher than any other country in the world! Thais and Chinese stood second and third with 9.4 hours and 8 hours per week, respectively.
Which countries read the most+
While this data might be a little old (the report was published in 2005), it’s unlikely that the number of hours spent in reading by Indians would have gone down, if not increase.
But what would be termed as “Reading”?
Facebook posts, tweets, Signboards on the road, directions for use on the medicine bottle?
Sadly, No.
Developing a habit of reading books, periodicals, blog posts, newspapers etc. is known to benefit us in the long run, both mentally and physically.
Regular reading is known to slow down ( or all-together prevent) Alzheimer’s and Dementia as you keep your brain active for long periods. Reading is to brain what exercise is to body. It improves focus and concentration.
It detaches you from this world and takes you away from mental stress and fatigue. It relaxes your brain while keeping it engaged!
We’ve all come across people who are literally walking encyclopedias and have wondered how is it that they manage to know so much about so many things. And then there are those who seem to have a never ending vocabulary, unbelievable writing skills or are ruthless grammar nazis. Yes, it’s because they have read so much.
It’s is never too late in life to pick up a book. For all you know, it might even save your life. 
Don’t believe us? Read on.
Below is an infographic with some interesting and witty facts about the benefits of reading.