Monday 27 June 2016


Nowadays people read books in various ways. Some of them like paper books but the others prefer modern technologies i.e. e-books or audiobooks on mobile phones. Electronic books are becoming more and more  popular in today’s society. A lot of teenagers prefer e-books because they are more comfortable in use than normal, big and sometimes heavy paper books. We firmly believe that it is a good way of reading so we will try to show you some advantages and disadvantages of electronic books.
   In our opinion, the first advantage is the fact that we can read electronic books whenever we want, for example on the bus, train, airplane and while standing in a queue. E-books also take up less space. We do not need a library  or a room for them. We can have every book without leaving home. Some e-books are legally available and for free and this is an upside for people who like reading without spending money. The last advantage is that we do not need to cut trees to make paper so we can protect our environment.         
  On the other hand, e-books also have some disadvantages. They are hard to read because eyes can get tired very quickly while reading them. They can make our eyesight worsen. The second disadvantage is that when the battery is dead,  we are forced to stop reading. Moreover, elderly people may not know how to use e-books and that is why they still prefer paper books. They love the fragrance of books and paper pages.

   To sum up, we believe that this form of reading will be even more popular in the near future. We are convinced that society will stop reading paper books because the technology is constantly developing. We still do not know what will happen with normal books in the future, though. We are sure that I have shown you some pros and cons of using e-books and now it is time for you to choose what is better and which form of reading you prefer.   

Authors:  Wiktoria Bednarz ,  Karolina Narajewska , class 1E,
Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących, im. A.Mickiewicza, Kluczbork


Thursday 12 May 2016

How much do you read ?

A Reader Lives A Thousand Lives Before Dying; One Who Never Reads Lives Only One – George R R Martin
According to NOP World Cultural Score Index, Indians spent an average of 10.7 hours per week reading, which is higher than any other country in the world! Thais and Chinese stood second and third with 9.4 hours and 8 hours per week, respectively.
Which countries read the most+
While this data might be a little old (the report was published in 2005), it’s unlikely that the number of hours spent in reading by Indians would have gone down, if not increase.
But what would be termed as “Reading”?
Facebook posts, tweets, Signboards on the road, directions for use on the medicine bottle?
Sadly, No.
Developing a habit of reading books, periodicals, blog posts, newspapers etc. is known to benefit us in the long run, both mentally and physically.
Regular reading is known to slow down ( or all-together prevent) Alzheimer’s and Dementia as you keep your brain active for long periods. Reading is to brain what exercise is to body. It improves focus and concentration.
It detaches you from this world and takes you away from mental stress and fatigue. It relaxes your brain while keeping it engaged!
We’ve all come across people who are literally walking encyclopedias and have wondered how is it that they manage to know so much about so many things. And then there are those who seem to have a never ending vocabulary, unbelievable writing skills or are ruthless grammar nazis. Yes, it’s because they have read so much.
It’s is never too late in life to pick up a book. For all you know, it might even save your life. 
Don’t believe us? Read on.
Below is an infographic with some interesting and witty facts about the benefits of reading.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Reader's Theatre Scripts and Plays 

 Readers Theatre is a dramatic presentation of a written work in a script form. Readers read from a "script" and reading parts are divided among the readers. No memorization, costumes, blocking, or special lighting is needed. Scripts are held by the readers. Lines are not memorized. The focus is on reading the text with expressive voices and gestures. Making comprehending the text meaningful and fun for the student! Once you start Reader's Theatre in your classroom you and your students will be loving it!!!

La Celestina 

Sistema educativo español (las dos leyes)

Saturday 23 April 2016


World Book Day or World Book and Copyright Day (also known as International Day of the Book) is a yearly event on April 23rd, organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), to promote reading, publishing and copyright. In the United Kingdom, the day is recognized on the first Thursday in March. World Book Day was celebrated for the first time on 23 April 1995.
Let's find out what the world book day is.

The connection between 23 April and books was first made in 1923 by booksellers in Catalonia, Spain. The original idea was of the Valencian writer Vicente Clavel Andrés as a way to honour the author Miguel de Cervantes, who died on this date. In 1995 UNESCO decided that the World Book and Copyright Day would be celebrated on 23 April, as the date is also the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, as well as that of the birth or death of several other prominent authors.

World Book Day by country


To celebrate this day, Cervantes's Don Quixote is read during a two-day "readathon" and the Miguel de Cervantes Prize is presented by the Spanish king in Alcalá de Henares.
In Catalonia, Spain, St. George's Day has been 'The Day of the Rose' since 1436, and involves the exchange of gifts between loved ones and respected people—it is analogous to Valentine's Day. Although World Book and Copyright Day has been celebrated since 1995 internationally, books were exchanged on 'The Day of the Rose' in Catalonia since 1929, in memory of Cervantes.


In Sweden, the day is known as Världsbokdagen ("World Book Day") and the copyright aspect is seldom mentioned. Normally celebrated on 23 April, it was moved to April 13 in the year 2000 and 2011 to avoid a clash with Easter.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, World Book Day is held annually on the first Thursday in March, as 23 April clashes with Easter school holidays; 23 April is also the National Saint's Day of England, St George's Day. Conversely, a separate event World Book Night organized by independent charity The Reading Agency is held on 23 April.

United States of America

In Kensington, Maryland the International Day of the Book is celebrated with a street festival on the Sunday closest to April 26.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Why should we read?

Media keep saying that people should read more. We are bombarded with slogans like "Reading broadens our horizons", "Reading enriches our vocabulary". They are right, because reading stimulates not only our knowledge but also our personality!

1. Reading enriches your vocabulary!
By reading we have a possibility of learning new words, which can help us with interpersonal communication. Knowledge of a large number of words makes it easier for us to express our emotions and describe our thoughts.

2. It is a great exercise for your brain!
As opposed to mindlessly watching television or staring at a computer screen, reading improves the movement of our brain and somehow makes it to think straight. Thanks to that we can improve our analytical thinking ability. While reading we try to stay focused, understand and remember a lot of things and discover new terms.

3. Reading creates imagination!
When we read a novel, we endeavour to imagine the place which the action takes place in, characters, their facial expressions and behaviours. We create our own movie in our mind. Eyes see the letters, words, and the brain transforms them into images in our head. It is an incredible stimulation of our brain!

4. It builds your self-esteem!
The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more confident you feel in various situations. The more confident you feel, the more comfortable in different communities you become. This is a chain reaction that gives only benefits.

5. Reading helps you forget about your worries!                                                                          

 Nothing soothes the nerves better than an evening with a good book and a cup of coffee or tea. When you read, the concerns of everyday life go away. You focus only on the plot of the book. This relaxation helps you sleep well and reduces the level of stress.

Therefore, if you are at home, bored and you do not know what to do – go and grab a book! You will move to an entirely different world, meet new characters, learn new things and enrich your vocabulary! Go ahead!

By Paulina Drozd